new fire regulations for Modular Buildings

Navigating New Fire Regulations for Temporary Modular Buildings:

Cyrotherm support a leading modular building company with compliance, following a new JCoP fire regulation update.

Following several high-profile cases, such as Grenfell Tower, the construction industry has seen fire safety regulations continue to evolve. The release of version10.1 of the Joint Code of Practice (JCoP) will help to improve the protection provided to people constructing, living or working in new buildings.

The new regulations, released by the FPA in 2023 are set to come into effect in January 2025. They require that the floor/roof assembly and any supporting members which form the structure of temporary, modular buildings that are stacked vertically, must achieve at least 30 minutes of fire resistance. This is in accordance with BS EN 13501-2 (ref 23) or British national equivalent tests. As a rule of thumb, suppliers should aim to exceed the 30 minutes where possible to maximise the protection. The more the spread of fire is delayed, the greater the evacuation time, increasing the safety of those using the temporary building. 

Understanding the Regulation Change

Ahead of the new regulations coming in, it is critical for all manufacturers, suppliers and purchasers to acquaint themselves with this latest iteration and ensure temporary buildings on site and site accommodation satisfies this new standard of fire safety.

New changes include confirmation that a fire break of at least six metres in length should exist on site between temporary buildings and permanent buildings, buildings under construction or refurbishment, and any other temporary facilities. Compliance with this clause will help to limit the potential spread of fire on a construction site. Where a six-metre fire break cannot be provided, section 13.3 of JCoP 10.1 stresses that temporary buildings must be manufactured with ‘materials that do not significantly contribute to the growth of a fire or the propagation of smoke and corrosive or toxic fumes’.

How can Cryotherm help?

Cryotherm have been supplying a range of products, including decorative panels to the temporary and modular building industry since 1977.

In preparation for the new regulations, one of our largest customers has asked us to supply them with Rockliner for all their modular units.

Cryotherm’s Rockliner system comprises of a pre-formed metal encasement lined with Spiralite to provide up to 2 hours fire rating.  It is installed using a snap-lock method, with either three or four sides for a strong, fast and stable installation.

Our technical support team can help with any specific questions or requirements. Use our enquiry form or call us to make sure you are compliant.

Cryotherm systems are fire-rated.

Rockliner has been independently tested and assessed by BRE to British standards in accordance with the 5th edition of the ASFP Yellow Book. Data sheets can be downloaded from our website.

Data sheets providing information about individual materials used to manufacture temporary buildings and temporary accommodation cannot replace fire testing, as the results of this process are needed to prove compliance with the fire resistance rules in JCoP 10.1.

As January 2025 draws nearer, it is essential that manufacturers and suppliers of temporary buildings and temporary accommodation understand and take responsibility for standing and implementing section 13 of JCoP 10.1 to reinforce fire safety on site and the fire safety of the buildings themselves.

Impact on the Temporary Modular Building Industry

The introduction of this regulation marks a significant shift for the temporary modular building industry. While it may present initial challenges, such as increased costs and design modifications, the long-term benefits are substantial:

  • Enhanced Safety: Buildings that are safer for occupants and more resilient in the face of fire hazards.
  • Market Confidence: Greater trust among buyers, investors, and regulators in the safety and durability of temporary modular constructions.
  • Innovation: Stimulating advancements in fire-resistant materials and construction techniques, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the industry.

Looking Ahead

As temporary modular building technology continues to evolve, regulations like these play a crucial role in guiding the industry towards safer and more reliable practices. Builders, developers, and stakeholders must stay informed and adaptable, embracing these changes as opportunities to enhance their offerings and contribute to safer urban environments.

By integrating Rockliner, fire-rated steel column system into multi-story temporary modular buildings, the industry not only complies with the new JCoP regulations but also sets a higher standard for safety and quality in modern construction.                

Get in touch to let us help you stay compliant and keep construction workers safe. And please visit our Modular Buildings section of the website for more information.

Why Cryotherm?

There are many reasons why we are the right partner for your Passive Fire Protection, Fabrication & Fire Rated Systems.